Thursday, March 5, 2009

National Anthem Award: Nominees

Constituation of our state becomes more shapes, especially with a National Anthem. So new Emperors task is online.

Here are the entries and contributions for the National Anthem Contest (chronological order as always)

Title: Real Anthem
Text: kosmopol
Music: (Jelloarm)
So many realities
Exist outside.
They are just banalities
Compared to Inside!

Oh Unfictionopia,
Existing Utopia,
You are our only Paradise.
Another worlds are just big lies.

Title: We Live for West Unfictionopia
Text: DrTesseract
Music: (Samnite? - announced)
Home of the beautiful and true
We owe all we are to you

Better than the rest
By far the best
We live for West... Unfictionopia

Rugged mountains and sweet sweet air
We give you our hearts fore’er

Better than the rest
By far the best
We live for West... Unfictionopia

Timeless paradise in the sun
We live for truth and for fun

Better than the rest
By far the best
We live for West... Unfictionopia

To you we are forever true
We owe all we are to you

Better than the rest
By far the best
We live for West... Unfictionopia

Another Anthem, iniciated by Gregoryn and Redct is under construction yet.

Anthem by SpaceBass and JamesiText and Music: SpaceBass and Jamesi
From the dawn of time, to the present day
We've prospered through collective play

The strength we've found as one great nation
Is built upon collaboration

From the sunny shores to our lakes and streams
West Unfictionopia is built on dreams

So with great pride and without shame
We pledge to you that this is not a game.

This is not a game.

To our governess we bow and say,
Your majesty, we will always,

We will always...


This list will be updated here as soon new entries will come.

Our wise Governess IneffaBelle had a great idea: National Chorus Signup. This is a list of islanders, who agree to sing the Anthem (as soon it is chosen) in a Chorus.

It would be truly magnificent experience, if all islanders would sing. Don't worry about your voice - each voice is important and beautiful. So sign up here:

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